Leadership Farmville is a five-month program with sessions devoted to a variety of subjects that affect community growth and quality of life; subjects related to governmental operations, leadership, education, economic development, and community service.
The purpose of Leadership Farmville is to create an expanding pool of people who are prepared to be leaders in their home, workplace and community. Cost to participate is $200 which can potentially be paid by one's employer. Click here for applications. In the event that your employer will not cover tuition, there may be scholarship money available. Scholarship funds can be requested by emailing director@farmvilleareachamber.org .
Leadership Farmville’s objectives are to:
- Help participants develop their own Leadership potential by educating them about the operations and challenges faced by local government, criminal justice, healthcare, education and volunteer organizations in the community
- Unite community residents from diverse backgrounds to promote effective community-based partnerships
- Provide allies for those who already hold elective or appointive office. Persons who understand the process of government and how the community functions will be more likely to respond effectively to the reality of challenge and potential
- Explain the relationship between the community and regional, state and federal governments so that challenges and solutions, understanding and answers, are complete, not partial.
For more information on the Leadership Farmville Program, contact the Chamber office by e-mail or by phone at 434-392-3939.